A Message from the Outgoing Chair

ChED Chair, 2022-2023
Dear ASEE Chemical Engineering Division,
It seems hard to believe that the summer is well underway, and that means it is time for the ASEE Annual Meeting and Exposition. Our time to Baltimore will be well spent thanks to the efforts of Program Chair Janie Brennan, Local Arrangements Chair Neha Raikar, and the scholarship of our authors presenting their work. If you haven’t already made your plans to participate, perhaps the schedule of sessions plus special events (starting page 4) will entice you to make a last-minute trip to Baltimore’s Inner Harbor!
In addition to the aforementioned conference information, we have more news of importance. Our elections were recently concluded resulting in some terrific additions to your Division leadership (see page 2). As a bonus for those attending, you’ll have the opportunity to meet those officers (and other members) that you don’t already know. While the scholarly aspect of our meeting is important, I have always believed that the opportunity to engage with our colleagues was the real value-add of attendance. So do not hesitate to reach out and meet a few new people (even if you’re an introvert like me—we can meet and then talk or not talk depending on where our social reserves are at the time!) while at the conference.
I would be remiss if I didn’t emphasize that if you’re interested in getting involved with Division activities, we have a range of chances for you to do so. Some are elected positions, and some are appointed. Plus we’re always interested in supporting our colleagues with ideas we can help make a reality. Just come to our business meeting on Tuesday of the Conference, or reach out to any of our officers.
This conference also marks the beginning of the end of my service to the Division as your chair. I am grateful for the chance to serve in this role as our Institutional Leadership has risen to the need to address the fiscal challenges faced by ASEE. Despite the constraints of deferred financial resources, we’ve still been able to plan our banquet (thanks again Neha!), award our recognitions (thanks committee co-chairs Margot Vigeant and Ashlee Ford Versypt and our many reviewers), and execute our conference plan. Our key activities (both of which are funded independently from ASEE) remain strong, with an excellent 2022 Summer School led by Margot Vigeant and her crew and a high quality yet rapidly developing Chemical Engineering Education journal led by Editor Don Visco and Publications Board Chair Milo Koretsky.
In the midst of facing acute challenges, I have been highly impressed (and not extremely surprised) at how our community has responded. There have been many good questions asked, but none with malice. There has been concern expressed, but often accompanied by offers to help. Because of our shared commitment to our students and each other (and the leadership resulting from that commitment), ASEE and the ChED will emerge from this situation stronger than ever.
I am very pleased to be able to turn leadership of this Division over to the very capable Reg Rogers as incoming Chair and Janie Brennan as incoming Chair-elect at the end of the month. While I cannot imagine a time not being involved with the ChED, I know each of these individuals will leave their mark in service through their leadership.
I look forward to seeing many of you in Baltimore!
David Silverstein
2022-23 ASEE ChED Chair
Conference Newsletter