The mission of the ASEE Chemical Engineering Division is to build and maintain a community network to inspire and support advances in chemical engineering education, outreach and industrial practice.

Chair Welcome
Welcome to the ASEE Chemical Engineering Division’s website! The Chemical Engineering Division (ChED) is a home for those engaged in educating chemical engineers who seek to pursue new, effective approaches to teaching and to conduct research in chemical engineering pedagogy. We exist as a Division to learn from, to support, and to advise each other by bringing together a wide range of ideas, experiences, capabilities, and backgrounds unified by a commitment to effectively teaching chemical engineering for the next generation of engineers.
As the current Chair of ChED, I would like to invite you to engage with us not only through this website but also in person at the ASEE Annual Conference. Feel free to share information about job postings or other happenings in our community by emailing We seek to recognize outstanding work amongst our colleagues through a robust awards program. If you have a colleague who is deserving of recognition, please submit a nomination for one or multiple awards. And our journal Chemical Engineering Education (CEE) is a premier discipline-based engineering education journal that, along with our Conference Proceedings, has global impact in disseminating effective and efficient approaches to our work. Please consider submitting your work to CEE!
All of your ChED officers serve because we want to engage with you and grow the chemical engineering educator community. If you have a connection to chemical engineering as an undergraduate or graduate student, as a faculty member, or an industrial practitioner, you have a place with us!
Feel free to reach out to me if you’d like to learn more about the ASEE ChED.
– Janie Brennan, Chair
Join ChED!
Membership in the Chemical Engineering Division (ChED) comes with many great benefits. Find out more on the Join ChED! page.
- Network, build collaborations, and learn from other (friendly, awesome) ChE educators
- See top of the line research
- Be inspired and brainstorm new ideas
- Gain new perspectives
- Get feedback on your work
- Help spread new teaching ideas
- Learn how to teach more efficiently and effectively
- Get a travel grant to attend ASEE
- Summer School!
- Get to know a great community of people

Call for Awards
The ChED division is always accepting nominations for our division awards. Additional nomination information and submittal information can be found on the main Awards page.
- Young / Future Faculty Mentoring & Travel Grant: October 31
- “Engineering Education” Mentoring Grant: Last day of February
- All other ChED Awards: January 15
Award Sponsors
Thank you to all of the sponsors for our Division Awards
Call for Potential Officers
The Executive Committee of ChED is always looking for volunteers to help within the division, please contact Janie Brennan ( if you are interested in helping the division.
Future Elections
Please contact Reg Rogers ( to nominate for Chair-Elect and Director for the 2025 elections
Thanks for scrolling all the way down here! Here’s a little bit of fun: The Reynold’s Number Song by Peter Harriott.