ASEE ChED Newsletter – August 2024

Chris Barr
University of Michigan
2025 ChED Program Chair

Happy August and a (hopefully) successful start of the semester for everyone.  I hope everyone who attended the 2024 ASEE Annual Meeting and Exposition in Portland, OR had a wonderful time.  I’d like to extend an extra thank you to Sarah Wilson for doing such an amazing job as Program Chair last year.  Hopefully, it’s an example that I hope I can live up to, and maybe surpass, as the 2025 ASEE Annual Meeting and Exposition in Montreal, QC, Canada. 

Happy August and a (hopefully) successful start of the semester for everyone.  I hope everyone who attended the 2024 ASEE Annual Meeting and Exposition in Portland, OR had a wonderful time.  I’d like to extend an extra thank you to Sarah Wilson for doing such an amazing job as Program Chair last year.  Hopefully, it’s an example that I hope I can live up to, and maybe surpass, as the 2025 ASEE Annual Meeting and Exposition in Montreal, QC, Canada. 

Speaking of ASEE 2025, Abstract submission will be opening September 1st and the call for papers is live on the ChED 2025 Annual Conference webpage and via ASEE’s website starting September 1st.  Abstract submissions close OCTOBER 1, 2024. This is earlier than previous years so please be aware and plan accordingly.  Note: the ASEE websites (including the ChED website) will be completely offline from August 23–26.

Please share this information with friends and colleagues who you think might also being doing interesting work in the ChE (or ChE related) education field. One thing I love about this community is its ability to make us feel welcomed and heard. 

~Chris Barr

Summary of Announcements

To submit announcements for next month’s newsletter, please email announcements to by the 10th of the month.

Detailed Announcements

Mark your calendars – 2025 ASEE Annual Conference abstract submission opens September 1, 2024

The ChED executive committee is inviting you to submit papers for the 2025 Annual Conference and Exposition in Montreal, Quebec, Canada (June 22 – 25, 2025). Call for abstract submissions opens September 1, 2024 and are due by October 1, 2024.  More details can be found on the ChED website ASEE 2025 conference page and will be available on the ASEE NEMO website starting September 1st.

Renew your ChED membership!

When you renew your ASEE membership, remember to to check your ChED membership! Check your division memberships by clicking on your profile page and the membership link.  If you do not see Chemical Engineering Division Membership listed, you need to email to be added. More detailed instructions can be found on the Renew your Membership page on the ChED website.

Teaching with AI book club – first meeting September 6 

Book Club: Teaching with AI
As a ChED community activity (and a way to help us all keep up with modern pedagogy), ChED Chair Janie Brennan and Chair-Elect Taryn Bayles will be hosting a book club this fall on the first 6 chapters of Teaching with AI by Bowen and Watson (2024). The book club will meet approximately every 2 weeks during the fall semester on Friday afternoons at 4:30 eastern (3:30 central, 2:30 mountain, 1:30 pacific):

  • September 6 – Chapter 1: AI Basics
  • September 20 – Chapter 2: A New Era of Work
  • October 4 – Chapter 3: AI Literacy
  • October 18 – Chapter 4: Reimagining Creativity
  • November 15 – Chapter 5: AI-Assisted Faculty
  • December 6 – Chapter 6: Cheating and Detection

Note that each chapter is only ~20 pages. Meetings will be over Zoom. We will send out a link (and the week’s discussion questions) a few days in advance of the first meeting to those who indicate interest in joining. To participate (at any level):

Google Form: ASEE ChED Book Club Fall 2024: Teaching with AI (Part I)

We understand these times won’t work for everyone. Even if you can’t make every (or any) meetings, you are still welcome to join our mailing list to receive access to the Google Doc notes we’ll be taking. 

Fundraising for Chemical Engineering Summer School in tribute to Daniel Lepek

As a community, we continue to work toward the goal of raising a $1,000,000 endowment for the Chemical Engineering Summer School before its centennial in 2031. One current initiative is to raise $25,000 for the endowment, which will name a poster session after Daniel Lepek at future Summer Schools. Daniel was a member of the 2022 Summer School organizing committee and Education Division Chair before his untimely death in 2023. We are already about 30% of the way to achieving this tribute to Daniel, and we have an anonymous donor who will dollar-for-dollar match all donations in Daniel’s memory. Please help us complete this fundraising goal in 2024.

Steps to donate to the Summer School Endowment at AIChE in memory of Daniel Lepek:

  1. Go to: AICHE Giving – Summer School for Chemical Engineering Faculty Fund
  2. Click “Give Now” and fill out the information.
  3. Insert “Tribute: In Memory of: Daniel Lepek”
  4. Complete Donation. THANK YOU!

Taryn Bayles ( and Matthew Liberatore ( co-chair the steering committee for this endowment at the AIChE Foundation. Please reach out to either of us if you have questions.

Teaching faculty position opening at NC State

The Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at NC State University seeks highly qualified candidates to fill multiple professional track (non-tenure track) teaching faculty positions. Successful candidates are expected to teach undergraduate- and/or graduate-level chemical engineering courses, perform internal and external professional service at a level commensurate with rank, and establish a national or international reputation in engineering education, outreach, and/or extension. Review of application materials will begin on October 18, 2024. For more information or to apply, please see:

NC State – Open Rank Professional Teaching Faculty – Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering

Teaching faculty position opening at Iowa State

The Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering (CBE) at Iowa State University is searching for a faculty colleague with a dedication and passion for teaching core chemical engineering concepts to join our department. The position is a full-time (nine-month) renewable term teaching faculty position at open rank (assistant professor, associate professor or professor) with an anticipated start date of either the spring or fall semester of 2025. Andrew Hillier ( is chairing the search committee and is available via phone or e-mail for any inquiries or questions.

A detailed job posting and instructions for applications can be found at:

Chemical and Biological Engineering – Assistant/Associate/Full Teaching Professor

The guaranteed consideration date for applications is Friday, September 13, 2024.

Iowa State University is located in Ames, Iowa, a progressive community of 66,000 located approximately 30 minutes north of Des Moines. The CBE department consists of 28 faculty, 12 administrative staff and 20 scientific staff. Our current program enrollment is approximately 400 undergraduate students and 90 graduate students. The department offers BS, M.Eng., MS and PhD degrees in chemical engineering and has a diverse portfolio of research, teaching and service activities.

Solicitation for study participants – Faculty motivations and barriers regarding teamwork

Campbell McColley, a Postdoctoral Associate at Cornell University working with Dr. Alexandra Werth conducting Engineering Education Research, invites you to participate in a research study to better understand the current landscape of faculty motivations and barriers regarding teamwork in engineering classrooms

They are recruiting individuals who hold a current faculty or teaching position at a college or university including professors, lecturers, and staff who have taught an engineering course that has incorporated teamwork in an engineering department in the past 3 years. 

If you decide to participate in this study, you will be asked to complete a 15-minute survey reflecting on your experiences, motivations, and learning beliefs related to teamwork. If you are interested in participating in this study, please click this link:

Survey: Identifying Faculty Teaming Beliefs and Motivations in Engineering Classrooms

Additionally, for every completed survey, we will be donating to the Family Reading Partnership in Ithaca, NY. Please feel free to share this survey with anyone who would be interested in participating. If you have questions, please contact us at

ASEE ChED Newsletter – June 2024 – Conference Edition

 A Message from the Outgoing Chair

Reg Rogers,
ChED Chair, 2023-2024

Dear ASEE Chemical Engineering Division,

Summer has arrived!  And that means it is time for the ASEE Annual Meeting and Exposition. Look forward to a fun time well spent in Portland thanks to the efforts of Program Chair Sarah WilsonProgram Co-Chair Chris Barr, Local Arrangements Chair Adam Lambert, and the scholarship of our authors presenting their work. If you haven’t already made your plans to participate, perhaps the schedule of sessions plus special events (starting page 4) will entice you to make a last-minute trip to beautiful Portland the Pacific Northwest!

In addition to the aforementioned conference information, we have more news of importance. Our elections were recently concluded resulting in some terrific additions to your Division leadership (see page 2). As a bonus for those attending, you’ll have the opportunity to meet those officers (and other members) that you don’t already know. While the scholarly aspect of our meeting is important, I have always believed that the opportunity to engage with our colleagues was the real value-add of attendance. So do not hesitate to reach out and meet a few new people while at the conference.

And if you are excited to get involved with Division activities, we have a range of chances for you to do so. Some are elected positions, and some are appointed. Plus, we’re always interested in supporting our colleagues with ideas we can help make a reality. Just come to our business meeting on Monday of the Conference or reach out to any of our officers.

This conference also marks the beginning of the end of my service to the Division as your Chair. I am grateful for the chance to serve in this role as our Institutional Leadership continues to address the fiscal challenges faced by ASEE. Despite the constraints of deferred financial resources, we’ve still been able to plan our banquet (thanks again Sarah!), award our recognitions (thanks committee co-chairs Margot Vigeant and Ashlee Ford Versypt and our many reviewers), and execute our conference plan. 

In the midst of continued challenges, I have been highly impressed at how our community continues to respond to those adversities. Our commitment to growing the ChED community continues to be, and always will be, a hallmark of why I enjoy being a part of ASEE.  Because of our shared commitment to our students and each other (and the leadership resulting from that commitment), ASEE and the ChED will continue to grow stronger in the years to come.

I am honored to be able to turn leadership of this Division over to the very capable Janie Brennan as incoming Chair and Taryn Bayles as incoming Chair-Elect at the end of the month.  I know Janie and Taryn will leave their mark in service through their leadership. 

I look forward to seeing many of you in Portland!

Reg Rogers
2023-2024 ASEE ChED Chair

Conference Newsletter

ASEE ChED Newsletter – Spring 2024 – Election Special

A Message from the Chair-Elect

Janie Brennan, Chair-Elect

Just before writing this, I put the finishing touches on my last quiz for the semester. I know I’m probably not the only one scurrying around frantically trying to wrap up the semester (and/or trying to get well deserved rest as the summer starts), so I will try to keep this short! Thanks for taking the time to read this newsletter and engage with our division.

I am continually impressed by the dedication of our division members, and particularly our officers, to not only our community of chemical engineering educators, but to our students and the quality of the field. We in chemical engineering have a tight-knit group that sets a high bar for quality and consistency of teaching and learning, which makes us stand out amongst engineers.

To that end, I’m looking forward to the ASEE Conference in beautiful Portland, where we will be able to catch up with old friends, make new friends, celebrate achievements, and learn from others about how to be better at our craft. This year’s theme is “The Future of Engineering Education”, which invites us to imagine what the future can and should be. I know I am striving for a future that is more diverse, more inclusive, and more effective at training our students to be responsible, ethical, and of course competent at engineering. When I ponder what will get us to that future, I have every confidence that our community of educators is on the right track. 

Hope to see you in Portland!


Janie Brennan


Special Election Newsletter

Vote via Qualtrics by Friday, May 17, 2024!

Click the image below for the PDF of the full 7 page newsletter.

ASEE ChED Newsletter – February 2024

A note from the ASEE ChED Membership Committee

Greetings from the ASEE Membership Committee! George Prpich, Joanne Beckwith, and I (Tracy Carter) are your committee members.  We are the folks that remind you to renew your membership.  We recognize the importance of this community for our professional development, and we encourage you to reach out to your faculty colleagues and invite them to join.  We also suggest you invite our future faculty, graduate students, to become members of ASEE!  Please be sure to check the Chemical Engineering Division box when you renew.

Joanne Beckwith-Maddock
George Prpich

Summary of Announcements

  1. ChE Division Seeking Candidates for Elected Leadership Roles: Nominations are due February 29.
  2. ChE Division “Engineering Education” Mentoring Grant: Applications due the last day of February.
  3. ASEE CP12 Teacher Conference: June 22, 2024 in Portland.
  4. Contribute to ASEE Map of PreK-12 Engineering Opportunities.
  5. Call for Abstracts for the Biennial Conference on Chemical Education: July 28-August 1, 2024 at the University of Kentucky. The deadline for submissions is February 28.
  6. Teaching Professor Position at UC Merced: Apply by March 15.
  7. Postdoc Position at Cornell: Contact Allison Godwin for more information.

To submit announcements for next month’s newsletter, please email announcements to by the 10th of the month.

Detailed Announcements

Call for ASEE ChED Officer Nominations

The ASEE Chemical Engineering Division is seeking candidates for elected leadership roles in the Division:

The full description of responsibilities for each office are posted on the Division website and can be found through the links with each officer above.

Nominations are being accepted by the current Past Chair, David Silverstein, at Self-nominations are encouraged, as are nominees for Director and Secretary-Treasurer who are fairly new to the Division and looking for a way to meaningfully contribute. Nominations are requested as soon as practical but will be accepted through February 29, 2024. Questions about the offices may be sent to the same email address as nominations.

ChE Division “Engineering Education” Mentoring Grant

All chemical engineering or chemistry faculty who have not attended an ASEE Annual Conference in the past five years are eligible for this grant. More than one grant may be given annually. A faculty member may apply for this grant by the last day of February. The application consists of a curriculum vitae and a maximum one-page statement of interests in educational scholarship.

Applications will be reviewed by a committee consisting of the awards chairs and directors. If there is a conflict of interest, the directors will identify another member of the committee.

The grant will be a ticket to the ChE Division Banquet. The grant winner(s) will be provided with a ChE Division mentor (an individual determined by the ASEE ChED executive committee) who will meet with the grant winner for both formal and informal interactions during the meeting. Nomination information can be found on the division website: and any questions can be directed to our awards chair, Ashlee Ford Versypt, at

ASEE CP12 Teacher Conference

The 2024 ASEE CP12 Teacher’s Conference (centered on K-12 teaching) will be held immediately before the 2024 ASEE Conference on June 22, 2024. It will be hosted at Portland State University’s Maseeh College of Engineering and Computer Science.

ASEE Map of PreK-12 Engineering Opportunities

Get listed on the ASEE map of PreK-12 engineering opportunities. Check out the map and provide feedback using the gray button on the home page. If you have an engineering program, camp, or event it can be highlighted on this website!

Call for Abstracts for the Biennial Conference on Chemical Education

Abstract submission is now open for oral and posters presentations for the 28th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education (BCCE 2024) to be held at the University of Kentucky July 28-August 1, 2024.

The conference will be organized around four themes:

  • Classroom Practice and Learning Environments
  • Curriculum and Cognition
  • Assessment and Research Methods
  • Professional Development – within the K-12, two-year college, and university communities.

College/university faculty and staff, K-12 teachers, graduate students, postdocs, and anyone else working in chemical education are welcome to submit an abstract. The deadline for submissions is February 28.  Information about the conference is available at or by contacting the program co-chairs, Kim Woodrum or Irv Levy at Abstracts should be submitted at Instructions for presenters can be found at

Teaching Professor Position at UC Merced

The Chemical Engineering faculty at the University of California Merced invites applications for the open-level position of Assistant/Associate/Full Teaching Professor to coordinate, develop and teach undergraduate courses and coordinate laboratories in all areas of Chemical Engineering with an anticipated start date as early as July 1, 2024. Please see the link for more information or email Kara McCloskey ( directly with any questions. Apply by March 15. More info:

Postdoc Position at Cornell

The Robert Frederick Smith School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (CBE) is seeking a highly motivated and talented individual to join our Active Learning Initiative (ALI) team as a Postdoctoral Researcher in Engineering Education. This position is part of an exciting project aimed at deconstructing the existing Unit Operations Laboratory course and developing new inquiry-based learning modules to be embedded across the curriculum to achieve our vision of making the School a “living laboratory.”

The postdoctoral scholar will work directly with Professor Allison Godwin, a tenured engineering education faculty member in CBE. The impacts of this change will be studied using both qualitative and quantitative tools to understand how active and open-ended problem-solving throughout the curriculum affects student learning, identities as engineers, motivation, and career pathways. Interested candidates should apply online at If you have other questions or comments, please contact: Allison Godwin,

ASEE ChED Newsletter – January 2024

Hello, all my ChED friends!

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday break, are refreshed, and aren’t TOO stressed with the start of the semester for many of us. As your out-going Director (but soon to be in-coming Program Chair), I wanted to write the introduction to this newsletter to highlight two major announcements in this newsletter.

Chris Barr

I’d like to strongly encourage everyone to consider nominating yourself (or others) for candidates for leadership of the division. Being one of the Directors for the past two years has given me the opportunity to see and assist in the operations of the division. I’ve been able to help with minor projects, some not-so-minor projects (revising the website… I’m always looking for suggestions for content), and help with award judging at the conferences. It’s been a very rewarding two years that I’m hopefully going to continue as the Communications Co-chair for the website and for the program chair for the 2025 conference.

Secondly, I’d also recommend nominating your colleagues for the division awards. One of my favorite parts of the ASEE ChE Division is the community and being able to celebrate people’s successes as well as awarding them for these successes to assist in their professional careers at their home institution is a great opportunity.

Chris Barr

To submit announcements to future newsletters: Please send announcements to Moving forward, we will be sending newsletters mid-month, so try to submit announcements by the 10th of the month. Thank you!

Summary of Announcements

  1. Nominations for Division Awards Are Open!
  2. ASEE ChED is Seeking Candidates for Elected Leadership Roles
  3. Interested in Hosting ASEE/AIChE Summer School in 2027?
  4. Teaching Professor Position at Northeastern University
  5. Instructional Consultant Position at University of Michigan

Detailed Announcements

Nominations for Division Awards Are Open! 

Email completed packet to awards co-chair Ashlee Ford Versypt ( and the most complete version of each award description, criteria, and nomination materials please see: and

Awards with a nomination deadline of January 16:

The Thomas and Donna Edgar CACHE Award for Excellence in Chemical Engineering Education

This award, sponsored by the CACHE Corporation, is presented for significant contributions in the development of computer aids for chemical engineering education.

Ray W. Fahien Award

This award is given in honor of Ray Fahien, who was editor of Chemical Engineering Education from 1967-1995, and who was effectively the founding father of the journal, establishing it as a premier publication vehicle in the field of chemical engineering education. The award is given annually to an educator who has shown evidence of vision and contribution to chemical engineering education. Educators who have been faculty members for not more than ten years as of July 1st in the year of the award are eligible.

The Donald R. Woods Lectureship Award for Lifetime Achievement in Chemical Engineering Pedagogy

This award is presented to a distinguished engineering educator to recognize and to encourage outstanding achievement. This award will normally be given for lifetime achievement, recognizing a sustained career of contributions to pedagogical practice, scholarship, and mentoring that not only caused innovative and substantial changes, but also inspired other educators to new behaviors that benefit students in Chemical Engineering. The recipient will be obligated to present a lecture at the ASEE annual conference. 

Award with a nomination deadline of February 1:

ChE Division “Engineering Education” Mentoring Grant

All chemical engineering or chemistry faculty who have not attended an ASEE Annual Conference in the past five years are eligible for this grant. The grant will be a ticket to the ChE Division Banquet. The grant winner(s) will be provided with a ChE Division mentor (an individual determined by the ASEE CHED executive committee) who will meet with the grant winner for both formal and informal interactions during the meeting.

For contact info and the most complete version of each award description, criteria, and nomination materials please see: and

Non-nominated Awards include:

The Gamry Instruments Sponsored Joseph J. Martin Best Paper Award in the ASEE Chemical Engineering Division, the Best Poster Award, and the William H. Corcoran Award for the best paper in Chemical Engineering Education. 

ASEE ChED is Seeking Candidates for Elected Leadership Roles

The ASEE Chemical Engineering Division is seeking candidates for elected leadership roles in the Division:

  • Division Chair Elect
  • Secretary-Treasurer
  • Director

The full description of responsibilities for each office are posted on the Division website Nominations are being accepted by the current Past Chair, David Silverstein, at Self-nominations are encouraged, as are nominees for Director and Secretary-Treasurer who are fairly new to the Division and looking for a way to meaningfully contribute. Nominations are requested as soon as practical but will be accepted through February 29, 2024. Questions about the offices may be sent to the same email address as nominations.

Interested in Hosting ASEE/AIChE Summer School in 2027?

Planning for the 18th ASEE/AIChE Summer School for Chemical Engineering Faculty, to be held in 2027 is underway. The Summer School provides an opportunity for new faculty to develop knowledge and skills in both teaching and scholarship, and for almost a century has been vital to strengthening our community of chemical engineering educators. For now, we are seeking proposals for host sites.

Historically, Summer Schools have been held both on university campuses and, though less frequently, in resort-style retreats. Please consider whether your institution or a nearby location might be a welcoming and enjoyable venue for the next Summer School. 

The site proposal questionnaire (linked below) addresses the criteria that will be considered in choosing the site. Please do not hesitate to reach out ( if you have any questions.

Teaching Professor Position at Northeastern University.

The Northeastern chemical engineering student body includes approximately 400 undergraduate and 100 Masters and PhD students. Candidates would join a department of 25 tenure-track and 4 non-tenure-track teaching faculty, as well as several affiliated and visiting faculty. Northeastern University teaching professor faculty have opportunities for educational impact in both the university and their broader professional field. The main responsibility of the Chemical Engineering teaching faculty is high-quality student-centered teaching, including course preparation, delivery, and assessment. The annual course responsibility is six courses. The Assistant/Associate/Full Teaching Professor also participates in department, university, and professional service activities and will be engaged in a modest level of scholarship for their own professional development around education and pedagogy. Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until through November. Applications can be submitted at—Chemical-Engineering_R113747

Instructional Consultant Position at University of Michigan.

The Center for Research on Learning and Teaching in Engineering (CRLT-Engin) at the University of Michigan seeks a colleague to join our vibrant, collaborative team as an instructional consultant and make a significant impact on advancing equitable educational environments.  Our Center is a key partner in the College’s efforts to support instructors with in-person, online, and hybrid learning, ensuring a pre-eminent engineering education that is innovative, equitable, and accessible regardless of modality.

Applicants with extensive experience will be considered for an assistant director title. Candidates from groups historically underrepresented in faculty development are strongly encouraged to apply.  Full position descriptions can be found on the University of Michigan:

For more information about the search process, working at U-M, and life in the Ann Arbor area, please visit the CRLT-Engin Careers website.

ASEE ChED Newsletter – October 2023

Hello ChED community!

As your new newsletter chairs, we wanted to take the opportunity to introduce ourselves a little bit.

Lorena Grundy (

Lorena is a postdoc at Tufts University working with Milo Koretsky studying the interactions between educational ecosystems and instructional practices. The fall 2023 meeting was her first ASEE conference, and she signed on as a newsletter co-chair to get more involved in the awesome chemical engineering education community.

Monika is an Assistant Professor in Residence at the University of Connecticut. She joined the faculty in August 2022, and is a teaching focused faculty. She’s currently teaching Unit Ops,  Senior Lab, and Senior Design. She is interested in bringing in open ended questions to the classroom and hearing her students thoughts on the intersection between technology and society. She was excited to see an opportunity to get more involved in ASEE, and is excited to serve as a newsletter co-chair.

Monika Crowl (

We both want to thank Elif Eda Miskioğlu for her long service as the newsletter editor and for her mentorship as we take it over – any errors are our own! To streamline the collection of announcements and make sure they don’t get lost in our inboxes, we’ve created an email account to collect them; it is If you have announcements to share, you can send them straight to that account, and if you have any feedback or opinions on the newsletter, please feel free to email that account or either of us directly.

We are excited to get to know more of you as we develop the newsletters moving forward!


Lorena Grundy and Monika Crowl

To submit announcements to future newsletters: Please send announcements to Moving forward, we will be sending newsletters mid-month, so try to submit announcements by the 10th of the month (November 10 for the next newsletter). Thank you!

Summary of Announcements

  1. Congratulations to Richard Felder, Phillip Wankat, Stephanie Farrell, and Adrienne Minerick!
  2. ASEE Abstract Submissions – No Deadline Extensions
  3. Interested in hosting ASEE/AIChE Summer School in 2027?
  4. Chair position at University of Maine
  5. Tenure-Track Positions in Chemical Engineering and Materials Science at Michigan State University
  6. Teaching professor position at Northeastern University
  7. Faculty positions open at University of Michigan

Detailed Announcements

Congratulations to Richard Felder, Phillip Wankat, Stephanie Farrell, and Adrienne Minerick!

Richard Felder, Phillip Wankat, Stephanie Farrell, and Adrienne Minerick were selected as four of the 2023 ASEE Hall of Fame Inductees. This award recognizes engineering and engineering technology education standouts whose work has made a significant impact on engineering education. A well deserved honor, congratulations!

ASEE Abstract Submissions – No Deadline Extensions.

A reminder that there will be no extensions on the deadlines for ASEE abstract and paper submissions. Please be sure to submit your abstracts by November 1, 23:59 ET (11:59 PM ET).

Interested in hosting ASEE/AIChE Summer School in 2027? Planning for the 18th

ASEE/AIChE Summer School for Chemical Engineering Faculty, to be held in 2027 is underway. The Summer School provides an opportunity for new faculty to develop knowledge and skills in both teaching and scholarship, and for almost a century has been vital to strengthening our community of chemical engineering educators. For now, we are seeking proposals for host sites.

Historically, Summer Schools have been held both on university campuses and, though less frequently, in resort-style retreats. Please consider whether your institution or a nearby location might be a welcoming and enjoyable venue for the next Summer School. Please do not hesitate to reach out ( if you have any questions.

Chair position at University of Maine

The Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering at the University of Maine is currently searching for a new department head.

Tenure-Track Positions in Chemical Engineering and Materials Science at Michigan State University

The Chemical Engineering and Materials Science (ChEMS) department at Michigan State University is hiring for several tenure-track faculty positions this year. One is open-rank and open-area and two are open-rank in Semiconductor Science and Engineering. Interested applicants can apply here:

Open Area: MSU Careers Details – Assistant/Associate/Full Professor Tenure

Semiconductor Science and Engineering: MSU Careers Details – Assistant/Associate/Full Professor Tenure System

Teaching professor position at Northeastern University

The Northeastern chemical engineering student body includes approximately 400 undergraduate and 100 Masters and PhD students. Candidates would join a department of 25 tenure-track and 4 non-tenure-track teaching faculty, as well as several affiliated and visiting faculty. Northeastern University teaching professor faculty have opportunities for educational impact in both the university and their broader professional field. The main responsibility of the Chemical Engineering teaching faculty is high-quality student-centered teaching, including course preparation, delivery, and assessment. The annual course responsibility is six courses. The Assistant/Associate/Full Teaching Professor also participates in department, university, and professional service activities and will be engaged in a modest level of scholarship for their own professional development around education and pedagogy. Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until through November. Applications can be submitted at—Chemical-Engineering_R113747

Faculty positions open at University of Michigan

There are open searches for tenure-track faculty positions within Chemical Engineering as well as Engineering Education Research at University of Michigan.

Chemical Engineering tenure-track or tenured faculty positions – Deadline December 1, 2023

Engineering Education Research Tenure Track Faculty – Deadline November 15, 2023

ASEE ChED Newsletter – Fall 2023

 A Message from the Chair

Reginald Rogers
University of Missouri
ChED Chair, 2023-2024

Greetings to everyone! I hope the start of the new academic year is going well for all of you.  It has been a busy time for all of us and for the ASEE Chemical Engineering Division since our last newsletter. It was great to see many of you in Baltimore for the ASEE Annual Meeting back in June.  We had a huge success with our 2023 meeting.  A huge thank you to Janie Brennan who served as our Program Chair.  Additional thank you goes out to Neha Raikar for her hard work in serving as our local events coordinator.

It was also a time to recognize our peers for their outstanding work, and to continue that recognition please take note of all of the award winners highlighted in this newsletter. Thanks to the Awards Committee for coordinating all of the judging! Please take note that the nomination period for 2024 is opening soon, so be thinking about who you work with that should be recognized next year.  Please especially consider nominating individuals for the Donald R. Woods Lectureship for Lifetime Achievement in Chemical Engineering Pedagogy.  Additional information on all of the ChED Awards can be found on the division website.

Even as the Fall term continues to cruise by us all, there is yet more to come! Planning is underway for the 2024 ASEE Annual Meeting in Portland, OR. The Call for Papers will be issued in the coming weeks. Submissions will soon be accepted for the program. Please take a few minutes to review the Call featured in this issue and consider what you can share with the community at the June 2024 meeting.

Finally, I want to thank Elif Eda Miskioğlu for her dedicated work of producing this newsletter.  Since 2017, Elif has worked hard to ensure our members had the most up-to-date information on the business of the division.  After 6 years in the role, she has transitioned the role to our new newsletter co-editors.  I would like to take this opportunity to welcome Monika Crowl and Lorena Grundy to the team.  They will be working together to continue publishing the newsletter, picking up where Elif left off in her role.  We are planning to continue the format of a monthly email newsletter featuring the same items but becoming more current with announcements.

In the meantime, enjoy this newsletter. If you’d like to offer your perspective on the continuance of the newsletter or to volunteer to take on a more active role in the ChED, drop me an email at In the meantime, I look forward to hopefully seeing many of you in person in Orlando in early November at the AIChE Annual Meeting!

Reginald Rogers

Fall 2023 Newsletter

ASEE ChED Newsletter – June 2023 – Conference Edition

 A Message from the Outgoing Chair

David Silverstein
ChED Chair, 2022-2023

Dear ASEE Chemical Engineering Division,
It seems hard to believe that the summer is well underway, and that means it is time for the ASEE Annual Meeting and Exposition. Our time to Baltimore will be well spent thanks to the efforts of Program Chair Janie Brennan, Local Arrangements Chair Neha Raikar, and the scholarship of our authors presenting their work. If you haven’t already made your plans to participate, perhaps the schedule of sessions plus special events (starting page 4) will entice you to make a last-minute trip to Baltimore’s Inner Harbor!

In addition to the aforementioned conference information, we have more news of importance. Our elections were recently concluded resulting in some terrific additions to your Division leadership (see page 2). As a bonus for those attending, you’ll have the opportunity to meet those officers (and other members) that you don’t already know. While the scholarly aspect of our meeting is important, I have always believed that the opportunity to engage with our colleagues was the real value-add of attendance. So do not hesitate to reach out and meet a few new people (even if you’re an introvert like me—we can meet and then talk or not talk depending on where our social reserves are at the time!) while at the conference.

I would be remiss if I didn’t emphasize that if you’re interested in getting involved with Division activities, we have a range of chances for you to do so. Some are elected positions, and some are appointed. Plus we’re always interested in supporting our colleagues with ideas we can help make a reality. Just come to our business meeting on Tuesday of the Conference, or reach out to any of our officers.

This conference also marks the beginning of the end of my service to the Division as your chair. I am grateful for the chance to serve in this role as our Institutional Leadership has risen to the need to address the fiscal challenges faced by ASEE. Despite the constraints of deferred financial resources, we’ve still been able to plan our banquet (thanks again Neha!), award our recognitions (thanks committee co-chairs Margot Vigeant and Ashlee Ford Versypt and our many reviewers), and execute our conference plan. Our key activities (both of which are funded independently from ASEE) remain strong, with an excellent 2022 Summer School led by Margot Vigeant and her crew and a high quality yet rapidly developing Chemical Engineering Education journal led by Editor Don Visco and Publications Board Chair Milo Koretsky.

In the midst of facing acute challenges, I have been highly impressed (and not extremely surprised) at how our community has responded. There have been many good questions asked, but none with malice. There has been concern expressed, but often accompanied by offers to help. Because of our shared commitment to our students and each other (and the leadership resulting from that commitment), ASEE and the ChED will emerge from this situation stronger than ever.

I am very pleased to be able to turn leadership of this Division over to the very capable Reg Rogers as incoming Chair and Janie Brennan as incoming Chair-elect at the end of the month. While I cannot imagine a time not being involved with the ChED, I know each of these individuals will leave their mark in service through their leadership.

I look forward to seeing many of you in Baltimore!
David Silverstein
2022-23 ASEE ChED Chair

Conference Newsletter

ASEE ChED Newsletter – May 2023 – Election Special

A Message from the Chair-Elect

Reg Rogers, Chair-Elect

Classes are winding down (if not already done)…the air is warming up…and that can only mean one thing: summer has arrived! I hope all of you had a successful academic year and are looking forward to some much deserved down time before the 2023-2024 academic year kicks into high gear.

Summer is also a season of transition. As we prepare for the upcoming annual conference in Baltimore, we look forward to the transition of officers, thanking those who have spent many hours in the background facilitating the continual forward movement of the Chemical Engineering Division.

While ASEE continues to work through some challenges, we continue to build upon our current successes to usher in new ideas and innovation within the Chemical Engineering classrooms and laboratories. We also look forward to celebrating the achievements of several individuals through our division awards. Many of you have done exceptional jobs in various facets within the teaching realm. Those we highlight during our celebration have, and continue to do, superior work in Chemical Engineering education. Let us look forward to learning from them as well as the rest of our colleagues. We will always be continual learners of the field. Let us come with an open mind to embrace new knowledge that we can carry back to our respective institutions.

This year’s conference theme is “The Harbor of Engineering Education”. Let us, as the Chemical Engineering community, be a shining example of serving as a harbor for continual education and growth of the next generation of chemical engineers. I look forward to seeing many of you next month in Baltimore!

Very Respectfully,
Reg Rogers

Special Election Newsletter

Vote via the Google Form by Friday, June 14th, 2023!

ASEE ChED Newsletter – April 2023

Hello, ChED Colleagues!

I hope this finds you well. As your Newsletter Editor, part of me feels that by writing this month’s “letter from…” I’m breaking some sort of fourth wall. Hopefully this doesn’t ruin the magic!

Our highlight this month is the Call for Nominations for division positions – see the first announcement below! Whether you’re a long-time member of our division or just joining, the executive committee is a great opportunity to work with an amazing group of leaders in the Chemical Engineering Education community.

As Newsletter editor I have had the privilege of working closely with our chairs, past chairs, and web directors in particular throughout the years. Each has led with a clear mission to serve our community, and support our members in any way we can.

I know we all have a lot on our respective plates and taking on additional service roles can sometimes be daunting. For what it is worth, there is no group I know that is more supportive, more gracious, or more understanding to work with. The first time I ran for an elected position a few years ago, I lost, but running gave me the opportunity to articulate my relationship with the division and further increase my presence in the community. The next time around, I won a seat of Director – a position I especially recommend for anyone seeking to get involved but unsure where to begin! I am truly honored to be a part of this team, and I want to share a little bit about what the division means to me. This is both my thank you letter to the division, and my argument for getting involved.

I first started engaging with members of the division as a graduate student. Upon discovering the discipline of engineering education, I began sneaking away from my labmates at AIChE and heading over to see the sessions in the Education Division. I sat in the back, taking furious notes in amazement at all the cool things happening in education that I was unaware of. I soon realized this is where I wanted to be, and kept showing up.

I started dabbling in engineering education work, and presenting first at AIChE (since I was there already) and then ASEE ChED. I’ll be the first to admit I had a lot to learn, and I will never forget how readily I was welcomed into the ChED community. Every person I approached gave me their time, and seemed genuinely excited to speak with me. I received both validation and constructive feedback from this community when presenting my work. This support gave me the courage to pivot from my technical research in genetic engineering to pursue a career as an engineering education scholar. I could not be happier that I took that leap.

To our long-time members, thank you for creating such a strong and positive culture. To our new(er) members, welcome to the community – this is a great one to be a part of. To all, please consider standing for election!

Elif Eda Miskioğlu

Newsletter Editor, Outgoing Director

Summary of Announcements

  1. Call for ASEE ChED Executive Board Nominations! Submit nominations by Friday, April 14!
  2. ASEE 2023 Conference Updates
  3. Call for Volunteers: AIChE Education Division Elections Committee

Detailed Announcements

Call for ASEE ChED Executive Board  Nominations! 

Submit nominations by Friday, April 14th  via email to Past Chair Tony Butterfield and Newsletter Editor Elif Miskioğlu.

Nominate yourself or a colleague for the following 2023-24 positions:

  • Chair-Elect (then serves as Chair in 2024-25)
  • Director (2-year term)
  • Secretary/Treasurer (1-year off-cycle term, current incumbent willing to remain)

Have a question on a position? Feel free to reach out! All terms begin after the annual conference in June.

ASEE 2023 Conference Updates

Final Draft Revision deadline extended

  • Draft Revision deadline is now April 14th at 11:59 PM!

ChED Banquet tickets available!

  • Tickets are now available for purchase for ticketed conference events. If you have registered for the conference (and are logged into the site), you can purchase tickets to the CHED Banquet on the NEMO.

Unit Ops Tour at Johns Hopkins (free, ticketed event) tickets available!

  • ChED will also be coordinating a tour of the Johns Hopkins Unit Ops lab for anyone who is interested and can provide their own transportation. This will be a free event, but it does require a ticket. You can get a ticket after registration for the conference and as an event on NEMO.

Call for Volunteers: AIChE Education Division Elections Committee

The Education Division of AIChE needs a volunteer to serve on our elections committee.

We will be holding elections in Summer/Fall 2023 for 4 positions:

  • Secretary/Treasurer
  • 2nd Vice-Chair
  • Director 1
  • Director 2

The committee will likely meet 2-3 times between now and the conclusion of elections on October 1, 2023. If you are willing to volunteer for this role, please reach out to the Division Past Chair Ben Davis. Thank you!