2019 P-12 Educator Conference

The P-12 Educator Conference is back with an exciting new approach! The Pre-College Engineering Education Division of ASEE has partnered with the local public schools in the Tampa area to provide their P-12 educators with session topics relevant for their district. This one-day conference will take place starting at 9:00 am on Saturday, June 15, 2019 at Rampello K-8 School in the School District of Hillsborough County. The conference is structured with four time slots for sessions from 9:00-3:30, with multiple offerings in each time slot, followed by a Curriculum Showcase. Lunch will be provided. Please consider applying to present a session, or registering to attend the conference if you are a teacher from out of the area or if you are a high-leverage educator.

For more information please see the following:

2019 P-12 Educator Conference Announcement

Editor Needed, Chemical Engineering Education

Chemical Engineering Education (CEE), the premier journal for educational scholarship in chemical engineering and related fields, is seeking nominations and applications for the position of Editor. CEE is published by the Chemical Engineering Division of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE). The Editor position is an unpaid position in a volunteer organization and requires a time commitment that averages around one day per week.

See the following link for details:



2018 AIChE Education Division Awards Nominations

AIChE Education Division Awards Nominations Due June 30, 2018!

The Education Division grants three awards:

Service to Chemical Engineering Education: Recognizes an individual who, within 20 years of completion of the highest degree, has shown dedication and broad service to chemical engineering teaching and learning, especially in Chemical Engineering professional societies

Excellence in Engineering Education Research: Recognizes outstanding research in education, with a focus on chemical engineering pedagogy, encompassing methods, applications, and assessment.

Innovation in Chemical Engineering Education: Recognizes an individual who has implemented a pedagogical innovation into a class or course that has made a significant and documented positive impact on teaching effectiveness and has enhanced student learning.

Further descriptions of the awards and nomination procedures are available on the web site (https://www.aiche.org/community/sites/divisions-forums/education-division/awards). Please consider nominating a colleague! The Division award nomination form and two supporting letters should be submitted to the current awards committee Chair, Polly Piergiovanni (PiergioP@lafayette.edu) by June 30, 2018.