A Message from the Chair

Washington University
in St. Louis
Happy fall to all of my colleagues! I know that here in Missouri, the weather is finally hinting at being chillier, and the semester is quickly ramping up. Because I know we’re all busy, I’ll try to keep this message short.
First, thanks to everyone who made ASEE 2024 in Portland such a huge success. Particular thanks go out to Sarah Wilson, our program chair, who not only dealt with NEMO and planning all of our paper sessions, but also put together a really wonderful banquet.
Thank you also to our Awards Committee for coordinating judging of the awards, and Reg Rogers, our outgoing Chair, who kept everything working smoothly.
Speaking of which, I’d also like to recognize the fantastic work presented by our division authors. This newsletter issue will highlight our 2024 award winners, so I hope you will read all about their findings and accomplishments. Also, please consider nominating your peers for this year’s awards! More information can be found on our division website (ched.asee.org).
Next, even though it probably feels like we were just in Portland, it’s already time to submit abstracts for next year’s conference in Montreal! Abstract submission also closes earlier than usual – October 1 – so don’t miss the deadline. See the Call for Papers for more details, and please consider what you can contribute to our community’s shared knowledge.
Finally, I hope you will join me and Taryn Bayles for our book club on Teaching with AI this fall and spring semester. Learning how to adapt our classrooms to a world with ChatGPT seems like a critical part of the next few years for all of us. You are always welcome to join our sessions, even if you haven’t read the text – what’s important is that we all learn and share with each other.
Enjoy the rest of this newsletter put together so well by Lorena and Monika. Feel free to email me at jbrennan@wustl.edu if you have any suggestions for the division, or if you simply want to get more involved with ChED. I am looking forward to seeing many of you in San Diego for the AIChE Annual Meeting!
Janie Brennan
Click the image below for the PDF of the full 13 page newsletter.