A Message from the Chair-Elect

Just before writing this, I put the finishing touches on my last quiz for the semester. I know I’m probably not the only one scurrying around frantically trying to wrap up the semester (and/or trying to get well deserved rest as the summer starts), so I will try to keep this short! Thanks for taking the time to read this newsletter and engage with our division.
I am continually impressed by the dedication of our division members, and particularly our officers, to not only our community of chemical engineering educators, but to our students and the quality of the field. We in chemical engineering have a tight-knit group that sets a high bar for quality and consistency of teaching and learning, which makes us stand out amongst engineers.
To that end, I’m looking forward to the ASEE Conference in beautiful Portland, where we will be able to catch up with old friends, make new friends, celebrate achievements, and learn from others about how to be better at our craft. This year’s theme is “The Future of Engineering Education”, which invites us to imagine what the future can and should be. I know I am striving for a future that is more diverse, more inclusive, and more effective at training our students to be responsible, ethical, and of course competent at engineering. When I ponder what will get us to that future, I have every confidence that our community of educators is on the right track.
Hope to see you in Portland!
Janie Brennan
Special Election Newsletter
Vote via Qualtrics by Friday, May 17, 2024!
Click the image below for the PDF of the full 7 page newsletter.