A Message from the Chair

University of Missouri
ChED Chair, 2023-2024
Greetings to everyone! I hope the start of the new academic year is going well for all of you. It has been a busy time for all of us and for the ASEE Chemical Engineering Division since our last newsletter. It was great to see many of you in Baltimore for the ASEE Annual Meeting back in June. We had a huge success with our 2023 meeting. A huge thank you to Janie Brennan who served as our Program Chair. Additional thank you goes out to Neha Raikar for her hard work in serving as our local events coordinator.
It was also a time to recognize our peers for their outstanding work, and to continue that recognition please take note of all of the award winners highlighted in this newsletter. Thanks to the Awards Committee for coordinating all of the judging! Please take note that the nomination period for 2024 is opening soon, so be thinking about who you work with that should be recognized next year. Please especially consider nominating individuals for the Donald R. Woods Lectureship for Lifetime Achievement in Chemical Engineering Pedagogy. Additional information on all of the ChED Awards can be found on the division website.
Even as the Fall term continues to cruise by us all, there is yet more to come! Planning is underway for the 2024 ASEE Annual Meeting in Portland, OR. The Call for Papers will be issued in the coming weeks. Submissions will soon be accepted for the program. Please take a few minutes to review the Call featured in this issue and consider what you can share with the community at the June 2024 meeting.
Finally, I want to thank Elif Eda Miskioğlu for her dedicated work of producing this newsletter. Since 2017, Elif has worked hard to ensure our members had the most up-to-date information on the business of the division. After 6 years in the role, she has transitioned the role to our new newsletter co-editors. I would like to take this opportunity to welcome Monika Crowl and Lorena Grundy to the team. They will be working together to continue publishing the newsletter, picking up where Elif left off in her role. We are planning to continue the format of a monthly email newsletter featuring the same items but becoming more current with announcements.
In the meantime, enjoy this newsletter. If you’d like to offer your perspective on the continuance of the newsletter or to volunteer to take on a more active role in the ChED, drop me an email at rerogers@missouri.edu. In the meantime, I look forward to hopefully seeing many of you in person in Orlando in early November at the AIChE Annual Meeting!
Reginald Rogers
Fall 2023 Newsletter