Secretary-Treasurer Duties

Financial Duties

  1. Advises Chair and Executive Board about the financial status of the Division informally on a continuing basis, and formally at the two Executive Committee meetings each year.
  2. Provides input to the Financial Report Summary for the previous year, as well as help in planning the Budget Request to Headquarters for the coming year if needed.
  3. Receives and verifies Banking and Accounting Services System (BASS) records from ASEE Business Manager.
  4. Authorizes disbursements of Divisional Funding, with consent of Chair of Division.

Recording/Communication Duties

  1. Provides a written record of all of the Executive Committee Meetings of the Division to all members of that committee and provides the meeting minutes to the Communications committee for posting on website and inclusion in newsletters.
  2. Provides aid in special mailings to the membership, such as mailing labels for summer school correspondence, constitutional changes, etc.

Rev. 6/25/2024