Revised August 2015. Reviewed and re-approved December 2020.
Article I – Name
The name of this division shall be the Chemical Engineering Division of the American Society for Engineering Education.
Article II – Membership
Membership shall be open to all members of the American Society for Engineering Education with a particular interest in topics pertaining to chemical engineering pedagogical scholarship and who pay the division dues each year. Dues shall be set by the members of the unit using the procedures indicated below in Article X. The dues shall be reported to ASEE Headquarters staff for implementation.
Article III – Objectives
The objectives of the Division are those of the ASEE as they pertain to Chemical Engineering Education and the promotion of open communication, stimulating interaction, friendly cooperation, and mutual assistance and collaboration among its members. The Chemical Engineering Division is also committed to promoting the inclusion and education of diverse individuals and embracing diverse ideas in the professions of engineering and engineering technology. The Chemical Engineering Division recognizes that diversity is strength in creativity, broadness of new ideas, and embrace of new perspectives to arrive at the most truly innovative, resource-smart solutions possible.
Article IV – Officers
The officers shall consist of a Chair, Chair-elect, Secretary-Treasurer, all whom shall be members of the American Society for Engineering Education. The Chair-elect shall be elected annually and shall automatically become Chair the year after his/her election. The Secretary-Treasurer shall be elected biannually. Should any officer be unable to serve, the vacancy shall not be filled until the time of the next election. The duties of the vacated office will be fulfilled by the remaining members of the Executive Committee or their designates.
Article V – Executive Committee
The affairs of the Division shall be administered by an Executive Committee of up to ten voting members: the officers, (Chair, Chair-elect, and Secretary-Treasurer), the Awards and Membership Chairs, the immediate past Chair, two persons elected from the Division membership in alternate years for two-year periods, up to two persons outside academia, appointed by the Chair with the approval of other Executive Committee members in alternate years for two-year periods, and non-voting members, including the Publications Board Chair, and those handling significant projects for the Division, during the duration of such projects. A quorum for Executive Committee meetings shall consist of 50% of the voting members. A simple majority vote of those members in attendance shall be required. The Executive Committee may conduct business through distance communications as well as in face-to-face meetings. Should a member of the Executive Committee be unable to serve, the vacancy shall not be filled by the Executive Committee until the time of the next election.
Article VI – Meetings
There shall be at least one meeting a year open to all persons interested in chemical engineering. The Executive Committee shall arrange the place, the time, and the program for all meetings. Insofar as practicable the required annual meeting shall be held in connection with the annual meeting of the parent Society. The secretary of the parent Society shall be supplied upon request with copies of all papers presented at Division meetings. The Secretary-Treasurer shall notify all members at least three weeks in advance of any scheduled meeting. A quorum to conduct business shall consist of 16 members of the Division.
Article VII – Elections
The officers shall be selected by mail, fax, and/or electronic balloting. The Nominating Committee shall supply the Secretary-Treasurer with the names of nominees (preferably at least two) for each office or Executive Committee position at least 45 days before the annual meeting of the parent Society. The Secretary-Treasurer shall send a ballot to each member of the Division at least 30 days before said date. The returns from the ballot shall be collected by the Secretary no later than 15 days before said date. In case of a tie the Executive Committee shall cast the deciding ballot. The new officers shall take office ten days after the close of the annual meeting of the parent Society. In the event that the Secretary-Treasurer is running for a contested re-election, the Nominations Committee will handle receipts of ballots (mail, fax or electronic).
Article VIII – Committees
The Chair may appoint committees, and the scope of their work should be strictly defined at the time of the appointment.
1. Standing Committees
The following Standing Committees shall exist:
2. Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee shall consist of the current Chair and the immediate two past Chairs of the Division. The immediate Past Chair will serve as Chair of the Nominating Committee.
3. Awards Committee
The Awards Chair shall be appointed by the Division Chair in consultation with the Division Executive Committee. The duties of the Awards Committee Chair shall include administering award nominations and selection of award winners by the respective award committees. Membership on the award committees shall be determined by the Awards Committee Chair in consultation with the Division Executive Committee. The Chair shall also confirm that conflict of interest statements are signed by Committee members of the various awards committees.
4. Membership Committee
The Membership Committee shall consist of a Membership Committee Chair and up to two other members of the Division. The Chair of the Division shall appoint the Chair of the Membership Committee. The Membership Committee Chair shall appoint the other two committee members.
5. Program Committee
The Program Committee shall consist of the Current Program Chair and the designated Program Chairs for the two following years. Each shall serve to develop the program for their respective year. The Chair of the Division shall appoint the new Program Chair for two years hence, upon assuming office.
6. Summer School Advisory Committee
The Summer School Advisory Committee shall consist of a Chair or co-Chairs, a local chair, and block planning chairs. The Executive Committee of the Division shall appoint the Chair(s) of the Committee. The Summer School Committee Chair(s) appoints the rest of the committee.
7. Long Range Planning Committee
The Long Range Planning Committee shall consist of the Chair-elect, the Chair, and the immediate Past Chair of the Division.
Article IX – Amendments
These bylaws may be amended by two-thirds vote of members responding to a ballot. Amendments may be proposed by the Executive Committee or by a majority vote of members attending a scheduled meeting of the Division. Amendments approved by the Division membership shall be submitted through the PIC Chair for approval by majority vote of the ASEE Board of Directors and shall take effect only upon such approval.
Article X – Dues
Changes to the dues of the Division shall be determined each year by the Division in session at the annual Business Meeting.