Awards Chair Duties

The awards committee co-chairs or chair will convene one subcommittee for each division award. The default committee consists of three members, including at least one of the co-chairs and one or two members of the ASEE ChED executive board, with the addition of the Chemical Engineering Editor (or their designee) for the Corcoran award. Directors will be the first choice for additional subcommittee members, with the stipulation that the each subcommittee should be constructed in such a way as to balance the workload across the executive committee and avoid conflicts of interest (see below). If needed, recent past members of the executive board may be asked to step in when no other suitable subcommittee members are available. The subcommittee will follow established procedures and should use a rubric to aid in fair evaluation of all candidates. The rubrics will be maintained and updated by the awards chair/co-chairs.

The awards subcommittees will avoid conflicts of interest by recusing any potential members who:

  1. are under consideration for the award
  2. nominated a candidate for the award
  3. are a collaborator or department-mate of a candidate for the award
  4. for any reason feel they cannot be make a fair evaluation (ex: because they are a close friend of a nominee).

For the non-nominated best paper/best poster awards, a potential subcommittee member may serve by first removing their paper/poster from consideration. Having a conflict of interest for one subcommittee does not preclude an executive board member from serving on a different subcommittee.

Early Fall

  • Contact the Newsletter Chair to share the news of the award recipients recognized at this summer’s ASEE conference and the Martin and Best Poster recipients selected from this year’s conference to be recognized at next year’s CHED banquet.
  • Distribute the Call for Awards Nominations to the newsletter team and to the CHED Chair, Dept Chairs listserve (, and AIChE Ed Div for email distribution.

Late Fall

  • Again, distribute the Call for Awards Nominations to the newsletter team and to the CHED Chair for email distribution.

Early January

  • Start contacting Awards Committee members and confirm their ability/willingness to serve. Have the committees in place and ready to go before the nominations deadline.
  • Confirm receipt of each award nomination to the nominator.

Mid January

  • After all nomination packets are in: Compile complete packets for each award and forward to committees. Aim to have the work done within a month, if possible.
  • Coordinate with the Conference Programming Chair if there is a nomination for the Lectureship so that a time slot for the conference can be arranged.
  • Stay in communication with the Fundraising Committee regarding sponsorships for awards.

Late February/Early March

  • If a recipient was selected for the Lectureship, follow-up with the Conference Programming Chair to coordinate details about the session. Otherwise, cancel or repurpose the reserved session.
  • Notify everyone who was nominated for an award of the outcome (contact both the nominee and the nominator for positive outcome and just the nominator for the negative outcome). For those who did not win, remind them that they’re automatically included for a second year. For those who did win, inform them that they are entitled to one free ticket to the awards banquet and request a digital photo for the presentation and their address for award plaques to be shipped. Also for winners of an award that includes money, connect them with the treasurer for follow-up.

Sample notification emails:

Positive outcome

Subject: Congratulations on the Y Award

Professor X,

On behalf of the Chemical Engineering Division of the American Society for Engineering Education, we are pleased to inform you that you have been selected as the recipient of the 20XX Y Award. Congratulations on this award! 

The award consists of a commemorative plaque and one ticket to the Chemical Engineering Division Banquet of the ASEE Annual Conference, where the award will be presented. The banquet details are as follows:

[Awards Banquet Date/Time]

[Awards Banquet Location]

If you are unable to attend the banquet or the ASEE Annual Conference, please let me know. 

We will arrange to ship the plaque to you so that we do not need to transport them to and from the meeting. Please share your preferred shipping address.

We would also like to include a headshot in our awards recognition materials. Please share one with me.

I look forward to seeing you in at the ASEE Annual Conference. 

Warm regards,

XX, Awards Chair

Negative outcome

Subject: Status of Y Award nomination

Dear XX,

Thank you for nominating XX for the Y Award. I am sorry to inform you that they were not selected to receive the award this year. The nominee pool was extremely competitive this year.

While XX’s nomination will be considered automatically for the next two years, the nomination package can be updated as needed. XX has one more year of eligibility.

Warm regards,

XX, Awards Chair


  • Coordinate with the Conference Programming Chair and the CHED Chair about judging for the PIC nominee for best paper for the division (this review process provides the nominees for the Martin Award) and the Corcoran Award.

Early May

  • Send list of nominated award winners, along with the recipients of the winning papers for the Corcoran, Martin and Best Poster awards from the most recent cycle, to the plaque printers at Bucknell University (Margot Vigeant in the contact point for this). Ask them to use the same templates for the plaques as last year. If there are multiple authors for Corcoran, Martin, or Best Poster, each author gets a plaque. Ship the plaques when they are available.

Mid May

  • Make awards presentation and recognition of sponsors for CHED Executive Committee Meeting, CHED Business Meeting, Awards banquet, and Lectureship. 
    • Prepare a slide for each award with the appropriate information (authors and affiliations, paper/poster name, etc.) and the sponsor’s logo. The latter will be received from Fundraising Committee.
    • Coordinate with award winners to get files/links/pictures of their paper, poster, etc
  • Share the news of the award recipients with the Executive Committee, the listserv (via the CHED Chair), and the Newsletter Chair before the conference issue.
  • Solicit review committees for the Martin Award and Best Poster Award at the ASEE Annual Conference.


  • Recognize the award recipients and sponsors of the awards at the CHED Executive Committee Meeting, CHED Business Meeting, Awards banquet, and Lectureship.
  • Moderate the Lectureship session.
  • Lead the review committees for Martin Award and Best Poster Award at the ASEE Annual Conference.
  • Take a photo of the Best Poster Award winner at their poster, if possible.
  • At the Awards Banquet, have photos taken of winners of each award along with the sponsors in attendance. Coordinate with the person who takes pictures during the awards banquet, and send them to the Webmaster. E-mail awards recipients to and share photos.
  • Email Martin and Best Poster Award recipients to inform them of their awards. Include Fundraising Chair and Treasurer so that they can follow-up with related sponsorship information/tasks, if applicable. Coordinate with the Webmaster to recognize the recipients on the website and include photos and links to the papers.


  • Follow-up with the Treasurer and Fundraising Chair to ensure that the award recipients with sponsored awards have received their checks.
  • Share the news of the Martin and Best Poster Awards on the CHED listserv (via the Chair) once the website is up-to-date with photos and links to paper